Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday March 7

Goodness, what a lovely day! Sunny, 60's, light breeze ... just delightful. Took off Ginger's sweatshirt, had a good morning run, gave meds, fed and kenneled, went to church, where several of Ginger's fan club asked how she was doing ... I was happy to be able to say 'if she hadn't been shaved, you'd never know there was anything wrong' ... she is back to her pre-illness weight, getting 'fat and sassy', lively, energetic, loving .... Ginger has some of the most expressive eyes (and eyebrows) I've ever seen on a dog (or a person) and right now she is happy, happy, happy, loving the extra stretch of life God has granted to her ... After church cut more branches, Mattie the neighbor JRT joined us, what a nice pack of dogs! This time I had my cart behind the mower, so could carry the branches to the 'burn pile'. Watched helicopter (big one,  'Jolly Green Giant' but not green ) flying really low, I waved, DB barked, Mattie chased after it, Ginger watched in setter stance, Banshee and Snoopy ignored it...) back to the porch for treats and a nap ... all 5 dogs stretched out in the sun .... a good day, despite the flat tire and bird poo my car collected at church (the little things that remind us that no, this ain't heaven ....) Took dogs for final run, fed and kenneled at nightfall. Let Ginger in for evening meds and snack (scrambled eggs, have some ground chicken broth for later on) ... thank you all for your prayers, candles and messages of support, you all are my strength as we watch Ginger dancing through the valley ...

Mary Lou
DB,Banshee,Ginger and Snoopy(dogs)
Callie in spirit (04/90-06/07)

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