Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday March 10

Rainy and colder ... brief AM run (it was just sprinkling at that time) down the hill and along the side, a brief foray into the acorns and then started drizzling harder, so back to the trailer we go, let Ginger in for AM meds, then fed and kenneled everybody and went to work. Husband says it slacked up a bit so he let Ginger in and others out a bit til it started raining again in earnest, then kenneled DB,Banshee and Snoopy and took Ginger in to local vet for bloodwork .... says he took her in, they drew blood, he and Ginger went back out to truck and they came running after him saying they forgot she had to have full blood chemistry panel to check liver enzymes ... so poor Ginger had to give more blood .... he and Ginger then went shopping (Ginger snoozed in the truck) and arrived back home around same time as I did, drizzling again  so let all dogs out VERY briefly (threw ball for Snoopy, who is oblivious to rain, DB and Banshee and Ginger stayed on the porch watching ...) then fed and kenneled. Oncologist called around 6 PM, said Ginger's bloodwork looked fine, so will go to Greenville tomorrow to get nodes checked and if chemo has reduced them at all, will give CCNU again.... but that's tomorrow, right now I'm just going to think about what a good day Ginger had today, despite the rain, despite the double blood draw, her spirit is undiminished, she toroughly enjoyed her ride in the truck with my husband, her brief run in the rain with her 'sisters', and oh yes, she enjoys
every morsel of food that comes her way ...she even ate an olive I dropped on the floor while fixing people supper... never had a dog that ate olives before...
Let Ginger in for evening meds, she's a bit antsy (as hadnt had much exercise today)  I brushed her for awhile and she's now snoozing on her couch, nope, she's moved and is now asleep at my feet. Hopefully the rain will slack up tomorrow and I can give the dogs a good run before we leave for Greenville, I hate them to have 2 days with little exercise.

Thank you all for your prayers and support, which have gotten us this far along this journey ... we could not have done this alone ...

Mary Lou
DB,Banshee,Ginger and Snoopy(dogs)
Callie in spirit (04/90-06/07)

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